The Moment of a Lifetime: How the Stimulus Package can Solve America’s Connectivity Problem
What is the state of broadband across the nation today? Who has access, who has ownership, and who’s left out? Our opening keynote, will answer these questions and more.
Jessica Rosenworcel, Acting Chair, Federal Communications Commission
Matt Dunne, Founder and Executive Director, Center On Rural Innovation
Featured Sessions
View All >>Build-A-Broadband Network: Infrastructure
We’ll highlight a locality that has built its own broadband network and discuss actionable lessons learned.
Build-A-Broadband Network: Financing
We’ll highlight a state or locality that has found an innovative way to finance broadband and discuss actionable lessons learned.
The Case for Open Access Community Broadband
Who has the right to broadband ownership? What are the benefits and challenges to placing ownership in the hands of the public? Our closing session will answer these questions and more.
Broadband in Context: Correcting the COVID Slide
One of the starkest divides uncovered by COVID is the learning gap between those with reliable broadband and those without. During this session, we’ll discuss the disturbing inequities revealed by the remote learning shift, and we’ll explore how areas in the Northeast region are pursuing broadband access in order to address the COVID education slide.